
there are very few people I allow in my world..I do not do the world of people ..I do the world of animals is wat I’m comfortable with.. due to 98% of humans being cold.. uncaring and cruel that crossed my path over time..if I do let anyone into my private space thats because they mean a heck of alot to myself and have some form of connection with me..anyone that doesn’t connect with me has no hope of ever being allowed in my space.. boundaries are set..this type are normally drama fuelled with inflated annoying ego’s that amount to nothing in life spending there days getting into trouble..causing trouble (substance abuse..gambling etc)..living the life of others and not minding there own business where they ought to just be focusing on building a better life for themselves and self improvement.. unfortunately the type I’m talking of have no idea of there surroundings or self awareness..awareness of how they affect and hurt others..they don’t care.the word bully comes to mind..sad really.. not everyone is treatable..past the point of no return..stuck ..is wat they are.. permanently..or not one bit interested in being a better person than they were yesterday..most of these types are c##ts thinking that everyone else is the issue and has the issue..the word that comes to mind is narcissism..this a very bad word and they are very bad people.. unfortunately I’ve had to deal with many of these all my life..well folks..not on my watch will I allow this sort of person as grown adult in my space after spending decades mending myself from this type of person/persons having completely re built my life..re educating me because of all the damage done and them taking away my identity..my dignity..I lost my mind ..my mental health..more importantly I lost me.. because ..of this type wickedness..they weakened my soul & spirit..never again will I allow such behaviour toward me ..my eyes are open ..I am aware.ive grown..I have evolved..I am watching..I taking notes of who is around me and peoples actions..if I sense something is wrong it most definitely is wrong..my intuition is strong.. the narcassists that entered my space all those yrs ago taught me how to learn to read there behaviours and read people in general..it also built me the strong..brave..resilient.. intelligent.. person that I am now ..the mistreatment towards me was completely unnecessary and undeserving..I spent all my life helping others while no one was there for me and wat for .. this is how I was rewarded.. unappreciated and hurt beyond belief..very lucky for me I had and still have god & the angels come rescue me when no one was there..they are still with me even of today..I feel them ..shame on you narcassists..you are going to hell…… !!! …

