mother nature and her creatures have been my best friends since the day i was born..she and her creatures are all ive ever known..i grew up with her and all of her beauty ..i have a deep and a forever connection with her..i understand her and all her creatures and they understand me better than humans ever will..most humans are not interested in getting to know me and my unique quirky talented self unlike mother nature and her creatures..mother nature and her creatures make me feel at peace..they make me feel calm..they are just one of my positive healthy escapisms ..most humans make me feel uncomfortable..unwanted..unloved..misunderstood..mother nature and her creatures do not make me feel that way..they make me feel like i’m being listened to.. cared for..loved and are great makes me sad when i hear people saying that mother nature and her creatures are just dumb and stupid when us intelligent ones that are connected with mother nature and her creatures know this is not the case..they can read us like a book..there senses are finely’s humans that are the ones behaving badly ..behaving ignorant..arrogant..narrow minded..dumb and stupid..HUMANS!!!..MOTHER NATURE..HER CREATURES DESRVE TO BE LOVED AND RESPECTED MORE THEN THEY ARE CURRENTLY RECIEVING..COME ON HUMANS STEP UP AND RESCUE THEM…WE NEED THEM..THEY NEED US TO LOVE AND NURTURE THEM UNCONDITIONALLY WITHOUT JUDGEMENT AND NEGLECT!!!

