PAKTOA ISLAND..30 minutes away from job was to prepare food there and other duties..i got on very well with all the staff..we worked together..we played together..we were such pranksters and mischievous was so much fun..i’ve great memories on that island..but i had to leave due to back problems..the staff were my friends and didn’t want me to leave..i was getting homesick for home..i needed to see brown earth the vastness of my country again..NEWZEALAND was to green and stuffy..when i landed on Australian soil i was relieved..i stayed with my twin sister for a stint..we celebrated our 21st birthday together in his cute little eatery place(out side Murgon..QLD)that looked like something from the 1950's..i then ended up living in Rockhampton..QLD..Australia and settling there..i needed to restructure my life and work out another outlet for this busy mind of mine..i wanted further pursue my did..i actually began writing at the age of 18 years old..i first found my love for writing in Biloela..QLD….i did some writing in NEWZEALAND writing really took of in between my writing and the creative arts i got married and things really changed for the worst..i’m glad he left..what a horrible..selfish mean person..the best thing that came out of this situation was my 2 boys..when my boys were very young i won a grant through the regional arts council Rockhampton to establish my first book ANTICS AT THE ZOO..i got to hire wonderful people to piece this cute little book together and have it printed in black and white first on the inside..cover in colour..once this book was finally printed i got to launch it at my youngest sons son was 5 yrs old at the time..(i’ve since got this book reprinted properly and published)..over the years my creativity and writing skills have evolved and grown..i’m self taught..i’ve since become an author..published book 1..ANTICS AT THE 2..MY MINI CREATIVE COLOURING IN 3..ROBYN’S BOOK OF POEMS..i’ve since written book 4..more to do on this book yet..working on book 5..they are all originally different from each other..i do not like writing sequels ..i am very pleased how far i’ve gotton in my writing and in life morphing into an independent..determined..wise.. intelligent girl that doesn’t give up when things get tough doing what she loves to do..i am happy with how writing makes me feel good..i have found my peaceful place which is my creative thinking..i thank GOD for giving me these gifts..they help keep me strong and sane..

